Knowledge Base

How do I get started with The Trade Desk Connector?


Getting started with Narrative’s TTD Connector Apps is straightforward. You can push data from any dataset or data stream in your account (or you can acquire data from third parties and push the resulting dataset).

First, determine the use case for your data and whether it should be shared with TTD via the first party (TTD 1P Connector App) or third party (TTD 3P Connector App) routes:

Third Party vs First Party Data in TTD

Simply put, TTD considers any data that is owned by the advertiser or licensed and shared with an advertiser outside of TTD to be “first party”, and any data that is being sold within TTD’s marketplace to be “third party.” Read on for more details on both types.

TTD 1P Data

If you want to share your own data with your own advertiser account on The Trade Desk or with another advertiser that has given you their Advertiser ID and Secret Key, you are looking to push first party data to The Trade Desk. Read more at How to Share Your Data with an Advertiser Using The Trade Desk Connector (1P).

TTD 3P Data

If you are interested in pushing third party data to TTD, you will want to utilize the TTD 3P Connector App. Read more below to learn about pushing 3P Data.

Install the Narrative TTD Connector App

Install the Narrative TTD Connector App and provide your The Trade Desk Brand ID (which can be obtained from your TTD account representative.)

All users will need a TTD Brand ID in order to deliver data to the Trade Desk marketplace. If you do not have one, reach out to your Narrative relationship manager who can help facilitate getting a new Brand ID using Narrative's connection with The Trade Desk.


1. Access the Trade Desk Connector

  • Navigate to the Trade Desk Connector on Narrative's platform under Installed Apps on the lefthand nav bar.

2. Add Brand ID and Navigate to Taxonomy Management

  • Add your Brand ID under the Settings Tab.
  • Click on the Taxonomy Management tab. This will open the taxonomy management interface where you can create and manage your taxonomies.

3. Start Creating a Taxonomy

  • If you haven't created a taxonomy yet, you'll see a message indicating that no taxonomy exists. Click Create Manually to start creating a new taxonomy.

4. Set the Root Folder Name

  • A pop-up window titled Root folder name will appear. Enter a name for your root folder. This name should reflect the top-level category of your taxonomy.
  • After entering the name, click Continue to proceed.

5. Add Folders and Datasets

  • Once the root folder is created, click on the + icon next to the root folder to add new folders or datasets. Select either Folder or Dataset(s) after the + icon. You will be required to add pricing information in the form of Inherited, System, Advertiser, or Partner rate cards on folders and datasets. Each rate card requires you to specify the Percent of media cost rate and CPM rate. Please reach out to your Narrative representative with any pricing questions.
  • To create a new folder, select Folder. You will be prompted to enter a folder name. This allows you to organize your datasets into logical categories.
  • To add datasets, select Dataset(s). A window will pop up where you can select datasets from a list. You can use the search bar or filter options to find specific datasets. The data behind a dataset becomes an audience in Trade Desk.
  • Once you've selected the desired datasets, click Continue.

6. Edit Dataset Details

  • To edit the details of a dataset, click on the pencil icon next to the dataset name. This will open a detailed view where you can modify various attributes.
  • You can change the Display name, Description, Buyable status, and Rate card for the audience.
  • Adjust the Rate level as needed (Inherited, System, Advertiser, or Partner) and specify the Percent of media cost rate and CPM rate according to your requirements.
  • After making the necessary changes, click Save.

7. Organize and Review the Taxonomy

  • You can continue adding folders and datasets to further structure your taxonomy. This allows for a detailed hierarchy that reflects your organizational needs.
  • After setting up folders and adding datasets, review your taxonomy structure to ensure everything is in order. You can edit, delete, or rearrange items by using the icons next to each entry.

8. Finalize and Sync Your Taxonomy

  • Once you are satisfied with your taxonomy setup, go to the Actions button at the top right corner of the Taxonomy Management page.
  • Click on Actions, then select Sync taxonomy from the dropdown menu. This will initiate the synchronization process with Trade Desk.

Taxonomy Management

You will see the following fields in the "Taxonomy Management" screen:

NameDisplay name of segment in The Trade Desk
DescriptionDescription of segment to be displayed in The Trade Desk
Element IDUnique ID that identifies this segment in The Trade Desk
Parent Element IDUnique ID of the parent element
Rate CardThe rate card determines what price this segment is available at, as well as which partners or advertisers have access to this segment in The Trade Desk
Received IDsThe number of unique IDs that have been sent to The Trade Desk for this segment.
Active IDsThe number of device IDs that The Trade Desk was able to match to an ID for this segment.
Sync StatusThe sync status of this segment.
BuyableBuyable segments contain users and can be purchased, non-buyable elements are containers or folders for constructing the taxonomy hierarchy only.
Dataset IDDataset to be used as the source of data for this segment.
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