My Data

Manage your data source and governance settings in a user friendly interface.

Rich Statistics

Narrative makes it easy to understand the contents of your data. Each field feature a wide variety of statistics to help you understand your data so you can make better decisions.

Flexible Schemas

Narrative's platform is designed to handle the most complex data schemas, making it easy to ingest and use data no matter your use case or data source.

Easy Dataset Ingestion

It is embarrasing how hard some platforms make it to ingest your data. Our process lets you keep the data in its existing format and we'll take care of the rest.

Access Rules

Narrative's access rules allow you to control who can see and use your data. You can set up rules based that limit who can access the data and even what types of queries they can run on it.

External Data Planes

With Narrative Anywhere your data can be hosted in your own cloud environment. Our easy to use tools allow you to perfect data collaboration without having your data leave your environment.

Data Normalization

Narrative's Rosetta Stone engine uses advanced AI to automatically noramlize your data, making it easier for you and your partners to work with.

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Hi! I’m Rosetta, your big data assistant. Ask me anything! If you want to talk to one of our wonderful human team members, let me know! I can schedule a call for you.