Knowledge Base

Data Shops - Getting Started Checklist

Data Shops Checklist

  1. Create Products

The first thing you’ll need to do is ingest your data into Narrative and organize it into individual products.

Be prepared to:

  • Provide a small sample file (10-100 rows of data) in CSV or JSON format
  • Have your 12-digit AWS account ID
  • Set up a managed S3 bucket
  • Identify your first 10 products
  • Provide links for product images and logos

Step-by-step checklist:

  • Create your dataset using your sample file
  • Create a source
  • Set up a managed S3 bucket
  • Use your managed bucket to upload files for ingestion to your datasets
  • Create your first data product (complete with detailed description, SEO tags, and image, and price)

2. Build Your Shop

Once you have created a few products, you’ll want to create a custom branded ecommerce storefront.

Be prepared to:

  • Choose a URL and register a domain that will host your Data Shop
  • Provide color hex-codes, meta descriptions and tags, and links for your shop images and logo

Step-by-step checklist:

  • Register a unique domain name (see Data Shop examples below)
  • Point your domain to your Data Shop
  • Set a Google Analytics tag for your shop
  • Set your Google Tag Manager tracking tag to the same phrase or term that you set for your Google Analytics tag
  • Title your Data Shop
  • Enter a meta description for your Data Shop
  • Enter meta tags that describe your website to search engines
  • Enter Featured Search Terms (these will appear as buttons below the search bar on the Home page)

3. Drive Business

Use best SEO and marketing practices to drive business to your Data Shop.

Step-by-step checklist:

  • Include internal links in your product descriptions
  • Include SEO keywords in your product descriptions
  • Attach as many relevant SEO tags as possible to your products
  • List your data in Narrative’s Data Marketplace
  • Put a link to your Data Shop on your website, in your email signature, newsletters, etc.
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Hi! I’m Rosetta, your big data assistant. Ask me anything! If you want to talk to one of our wonderful human team members, let me know! I can schedule a call for you.