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Rosetta Stone Attribute Mapping Management UI

Overview of Rosetta Stone Attribute Mappings

Rosetta Stone Attribute Mappings are essential for standardizing and normalizing data from diverse sources within the Narrative platform. These mappings link specific Rosetta Stone Attributes to dataset fields, facilitating clear data categorization and consistent data representation. For an in-depth understanding of Rosetta Stone Attributes, refer to How Rosetta Stone Works.

Located within the Dataset Details section, the "Attributes" tab serves as the central hub for managing your Rosetta Stone Attribute Mappings. Key features include:

  • Search and Sort: Efficiently locate specific mappings.
  • Expandable Rows: Access detailed information for each mapping.
  • Edit Mapping Expressions: Directly modify how fields are transformed into attributes.

Managing Mapping Expressions

The action menu within the Attributes tab allows for the interaction with existing and proposed mappings, enabling users to view, edit, or create mappings with ease.

Creating New Attribute Mappings

To initiate a new attribute mapping, click "+Add Mapping". This process involves inputting valid NQL expressions that reference dataset schema fields. Ensure field names are enclosed in double quotes (") to prevent conflicts with NQL reserved keywords. Learn more about NQL here.

Leveraging Rosetta AI for Automatic Mapping

The "Ask Rosetta" feature automates the mapping process using machine learning to analyze your dataset’s schema and sample data, creating mappings in a "pending" state for your approval.

Understanding Attribute Mapping Fields

When managing mappings, you'll encounter several critical fields:


  • private: Limited to your company, allowing for internal visibility and application.
  • global: Available universally across queries targeting the dataset, settable only by Narrative administrators or the system.


  • admin: Created or promoted by a Narrative administrator.
  • company: Manually created by a platform user.
  • system: Auto-generated by the Narrative system.


  • active: Currently in use and applicable in access rules and dataset queries.
  • pending: Awaiting approval to become active.
  • rejected: Not applicable or usable, with no future mapping attempts for the specific attribute.
  • deleted: Inactive and archived, not visible in the UI but can be remapped by Rosetta.

This guide provides a structured approach to managing Rosetta Stone Attribute Mappings, ensuring efficient data standardization and utilization on the Narrative platform.

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