Knowledge Base

Narrative Query Language (NQL): Overview

Quickstart Guide to NQL

NQL empowers users to perform complex queries on datasets within the Narrative Data Collaboration Platform. Here's how to begin:

  • Basic Query Example: Find rows where gender equals 'female' and event timestamp is after October 1, 2023, with a cost-per-mille (CPM) of up to $2.00:
      narrative.rosetta_stone."hl7_gender"."gender" = 'female'  
      AND narrative.rosetta_stone."event_timestamp" > '2023-10-01'  
      AND narrative.rosetta_stone._price_cpm_usd <= 2.0;

NQL Query Editor in Data Studio UI

The NQL Query Editor, integrated within the Data Studio UI, allows for straightforward query construction and execution. Access the editor here.

Understanding Datasets and Access Rules

  • Datasets: NQL operates on datasets within the company_data namespace or the global narrative.rosetta_stone namespace. Ensure datasets are accessible via Access Rules for querying. Learn more about Datasets.
  • Access Rules: Define who can query a dataset, at what price, and under what conditions. Learn more about Access Rules.

Utilizing Rosetta Stone Attributes

Narrative's global data attribute catalog, Rosetta Stone, standardizes data attributes for efficient querying. Use the narrative.rosetta_stone namespace to reference these attributes in your queries. Attributes can be complex objects requiring direct reference to child properties.

Query Features and Cost Control

NQL offers features for controlling query costs and forecasting data and costs:

  • Cost Control: Limit query costs by specifying a maximum CPM (_price_cpm_usd) or setting a budget (LIMIT).
  • Forecasting: Use EXPLAIN before your query to forecast data amounts and associated costs.
  • Materialized Views: Create materialized views to cache query results as new datasets within the platform, using CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW.

Access Rules and Direct Querying

Directly query datasets using internal or external access rules by referencing the access rule's name within your query syntax.

Embedded Namespaces and Reserved Fields

NQL supports querying Rosetta Stone attributes directly through the _rosetta_stone embedded namespace. Use reserved fields like _price_cpm_usd for price filtering.

API Services for NQL

Access NQL functionality programmatically via API endpoints for running, parsing, and compiling NQL queries. Check our API Documentation for detailed information.

Additional Resources

This overview provides the essential information to get started with NQL, enabling efficient data querying and management on the Narrative Platform.

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