Knowledge Base

NQL Overview

NQL Overview

Narrative Query Language (NQL) offers a robust syntax for querying data within the Narrative Data Collaboration Platform, extending traditional SQL with features tailored to the Narrative platform. This guide provides an overview of NQL and the language reference documentation.

Why NQL?

NQL is an extension of common SQL focused on providing a powerful, expressive interface on top of the unique features of the Narrative Data Collaboration platform. NQL provides the following functionality:

  • Natively integrated with the Rosetta Stone data normalization layer, allowing users to query and interact with global and custom attributes in a shared table namespace.
  • Facilitates data collaboration by allowing data queries both within your organization and across the organization boundary into other companies data, on terms set by strict Access Rules.
  • Operates in the data plane and execution engine of a user's choice.
  • Available through a variety of interfaces, including a built-in WYSIWYG editor for building and running queries, a code-editor interface, and the Rosetta AI digital assistance chat interface.

Learn more

To learn more about how NQL works, dive into querying Rosetta Stone data:

Querying Rosetta Stone

Learn how to query the Narrative Rosetta Stone global data attribute catalog.

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