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Querying Rosetta Stone

Querying the Rosetta Stone Data Catalog with NQL

Query the Rosetta Stone data catalog in the Narrative Data Collaboration Platform using NQL to access standardized global attributes for data analysis.

This type of query is useful for discovering, licensing, and creating a new dataset from the wealth of data available in the Narrative platform for cross-company collaboration. Since a lot of this data comes from Narrative's marketplace of third party data supply, NQL provides features for managing budget when running queries that will require data licensing fees to execute.

Example Query

SELECT "unique_identifier",
FROM narrative.rosetta_stone
    "hl7_gender"."gender" = 'female'
    AND "event_timestamp" > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL 160 DAYS
    AND rosetta_stone._price_cpm_usd <= 2.00

This query highlights NQL's capability to access and analyze data efficiently, adhering to budget constraints and utilizing standardized global attributes for insightful analysis. When querying attributes like hl7_gender and age, NQL searches across all data in any dataset on the current data plane that has been mapped into the global Rosetta Stone catalog. This process ensures access to a wide array of standardized data for comprehensive analysis (where data owners have contributed that data via a mapping and an access rule.)

Specifically, this query accomplishes the following:

  • Age and Gender tied to a unique identifier: This query selects common demographic data from the Narrative platform of demographic data providers.
  • Filter on gender and timestamp: The query is filtering for relatively recent rows where the demographic matches 'female' only
  • Cost Control: The _price_cpm_usd condition ensures queries only return data costing up to $2.00 per thousand rows, enabling efficient budget management.
  • Budget Limit: LIMIT 100 USD PER CALENDAR_MONTH restricts the query's total cost to $100 per calendar month, ensuring expenses stay within budget. For more on managing query costs, see Cost Controls and Budgeting in NQL.

Understanding Rosetta Stone Attributes

Rosetta Stone Attributes are standardized and normalized across multiple sources, include a range of information such as demographic details and behaviors. Using NQL, users can query these attributes directly, enabling efficient cross-company data analysis.

For more information on Rosetta Stone, see How Rosetta Stone Works

Rosetta Stone

Learn more about the Narrative Rosetta Stone global data catalog.

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